Saturday, December 29, 2012

Eat Stop Eat – The Best Weight Loss Program

Eat Stop Eat – The Best Weight Loss Program 

Trying to find the best weight loss program can be quite difficult.  They all claim to be the most effective or promise the fastest results.  It can be very confusing having so many to choose from.  How do you know which one is the best? 

For one thing, you should remember that all weight loss diets will be effective initially.  But your main concern should be whether or not it is something you would be able to stick with long term.  There is nothing worse than working hard to get the weight off only to find that you really can’t maintain the lifestyle. 

In fact, one of the main reasons people fail at long term weight loss is because they followed a diet that really was only a quick fix.  This is why so many people are stuck in a never ending yo-yo diet situation.  

One very popular way to lose weight is with juice or soup fasting.  While this type of fasting is highly successful at producing weight loss, it cannot be sustained for long periods of time. Who can survive on lemons and cayenne pepper for the rest of their life? 

However, intermittent fasting, or IF, can be followed as long as you desire. It is not a diet, it is an eating style that is quickly gaining recognition among health gurus and fitness buffs alike. The beauty of intermittent fasting is that you can make your fast fit into your schedule rather than becoming a slave to it.  

Eat Stop Eat is an intermittent fasting style program that teaches you how to easily incorporate regular fasts into your life. It is firmly backed by science and is not a gimmick. It is a real program that gives excellent results when followed.  

With Eat Stop Eat, you only need to fast once or twice per week to see results. Of course you will still need to watch your total caloric intake, but it is less restrictive. For example, if you know you will be going to dinner with a friend on Friday night, you can reduce the amount of calories you eat throughout the week so that you can splurge a bit come Friday night.   

If you are the type of person who skips breakfast or lunch a few times a week, this may be perfect eating style for you. Even if you aren’t a frequent meal-skipper, you may still enjoy the flexibility intermittent fasting has to offer. Either way, Eat Stop Eat has something to fit anyone’s needs. 

NOTE:  I’m one among thousands of live examples who succeeded in building an intermittent fasting life style.  Read more about my fasting experience.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

5 Meals a Day

Why You Don’t Need to Eat 5 Meals a Day to Lose Weight

Ask any trainer, nutritionist or doctor and he or she will tell you that you that if you are trying to lose weight then you should be eating 5 meals a day.  The reasoning behind this idea seems to be that eating more frequently will increase thermogenesis.  Thermogenesis is the production of heat by your body in order to perform the work of digestion. When your body is in a thermogenic state, it burns fat.  

There are many people who will tell you that eating frequent meals worked for them.  While this may be true for a number of reasons, it does not mean that if you eat less frequently you will lose weight more slowly or damage your metabolism.  

There are some benefits to eating 5 meals a day. Eating frequently can help reduce the chances of binge eating because your blood sugar will remain stable and you won’t get to hungry in between meals.  It may also help you manage cravings and hunger pangs.  Since you can continuously eat all day long, you won’t feel deprived.

For some people though, eating all day long can make hunger pangs worse. It can also be difficult to carry around snacks or meals with you everywhere, making it difficult to stick with the diet and increasing the likelihood that you will become discouraged and quit altogether.
Where is the Proof?

Studies have shown that meal frequency does not affect the amount of energy expended by your body (1)(2). In other words, your body will work no harder when digesting 5 meals than it does digesting 3 meals. The results are the same as long as there is an overall reduction of calories.   

Many people have found that the easiest way to lose weight is with Eat Stop Eat, an intermittent fasting style program. Intermittent fasting is quickly gaining popularity in the fitness world because its flexibility and simplicity.  It is not a gimmick. Countless people have not only successfully lost weight, but have managed to keep it off long term.
So if you have been struggling to eat 5 meals a day because you think that’s the only way you are going to get the fat off, you can relax. As long as you can keep your calories restricted and stick with it, the weight will come off.  Science says so.  Anna also says so.

 Anna is the author of this blog. She manages weight loss through Eat Stop Eat after 17 years of struggling with overweight, bloating and various kinds of digestive problems.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Eat Stop Eat

Eat Stop Eat
Brad Pilon

Created by Brad Pilon, a nutritionist. If you are able to fast for 24 hours, once or twice a week, you simply lose weight without much effort. However you will never need to go on an entire day without eating if you follow Brad’s guidelines.

One way of doing it is having dinner on day 1, fast through dinner of day 2. This method allows you to get the benefits of fasting without the need to stop eating for an entire day. Also you don’t need to limit your choice of food. Simply eat as usual.

Visit Eat Stop Eat website for more details.

Fasting Book 1 - Eat Stop Eat

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 Meal Solution

2 Meal Solution
Mike O'Donell

Created by Mike O'Donell, a Certified Personal Trainer/Health and Fitness Coach. Mike has been one of the pioneers talking about intermittent fasting (IF).

This book helps you gain back control over food choices and finally build a simple lifestyle for long term weight management.

If you want to give IF a try but don’t want to fast for 24 hours, this could be an ideal option. Mike guides his students to skip breakfast, workout less and get better results. His approach is a perfect guide for beginners. Click here to check out 2 Meal Solution.

Note: If you decided not to buy the book, you should opt in to subscribe Mike's blog to gain more knowledge about IF.

Fasting Book 2 - 2 Meal Solution

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Master Cleanse Secrets

The Master Cleanse Secrets
Raylen Sterling

A 10-day Lemonade Diet is ideal for urgent dieters who for any reason need to shed pounds in a short period. But it is not just that.

The Lemonade Diet is also referred as the Master Cleanse which can help you lose up to 20 pounds, look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days but...

You may be saying "if it was easy everyone would be doing it". Right, most people don't last 1 day on the master cleanse BUT don’t give up now. There are ways to make the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet much more DOABLE.

Click here to read this important letter to see if it's right for you - by Raylen Sterling, author of The Master Cleanse Secrets

Fasting Book 3 - The Master Cleanse Secrets

Friday, March 2, 2012

Juice Fasting and Detoxification

Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great : The Fastest Way to Restore Your Health

By Steve Meyerowitz, Beth Robbins and Michael Parman

This book covers comprehensively about how to do juice fasting with raw fruits and vegetables while maintaining a nearly normal work and living schedule.

It includes juice recipes, detoxification techniques, exercises, weight loss, water fasting and how to break a fast safely.

Truly a must read if you want to go on juice fasting.

Available at Amazon:
Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great

Fasting Book 4 - Juice Fasting and Detoxification

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lean Mass Gains Made Easy

Lean mass Gains Made Easy
Neil Burge

This book is written for bodybuilders.

Simply put – Eat the right things and you’ll lose fat. Do the right training and you’ll gain muscle. Do both at the right time and you multiply the benefits. This book will tell you how to do this in detail.

Strategy is – 16 hour fast, 8 hour feed, every day. Author of the book Neil Burge literally tried all fasting approaches (except Ramadan as he’s not a Muslim) and found the 16:8 approach works best when trying to gain muscle.

If you are not just fasting for weight loss, but also want to gain muscle and lose fat simultaneously, you’ll find Neil’s ebook to be an extremely helpful and detailed manual. Here’s his ebook
Lean Mass Gains Made Easy.

Fasting Book 5 - Lean Mass Gains Made Easy

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 Intermittent Fasting Tips

Looking for some fasting tips to kick start your fasting weight loss program? Here are some of my personal tips that I want to share with you.

1. Identify the tips provider. Many give warnings and horror stories about fasting had actually never fasted. Best to look for tips from someone who has the real fasting experiences.

2. Be well prepared. Forget about some traditional eating rules that you might have been told a million times, such as breakfast is the single most important meal in a day, eat breakfast like a king, eat 6 to 10 small meals in a day is completely necessary to lose weight…and so on. These rules are true to food companies but not you.

3. Stick with short term intermittent fasting. Researches have proven that short term fasting does not slow down the metabolism or cause any physical damage. You won't even lose an ounce of muscle while losing weight. If you want to find out the scientific facts, I would encourage your reading Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat.

4. Do not binge on food. This is one of the most important fasting tips I would ever give. Short term fasting is a good opportunity to start off with healthy eating habits along with losing weight. Eating crazily before and after will destroy your fasting effort and can be dangerous. Read more about breaking a fast.

5. Start slow, work progressively. Try skip breakfast to begin with. Extend your fasting window gradually until you feel comfortable doing a full 24-hour fasting. For beginners, you may find it hard to go through your first or second attempt of 24-hour fast. You may feel irritated, experience headaches and feel a little of hunger. Believe me, the more fasts you do, the less these problems will bother you and you'll feel better.

6. Start with juice fasting. If you have no fasting experience and want to give it a try, go for juice fasting first, as it is easier than water fast. Also juice fast provides most of the nutrients and calories that solid foods provide. You just give your body a chance to experience a period without solid food. More juice fasting tips.

7. Keep busy. Food is sometimes a psychological need rather than a physical need. To withstand hunger, simply don't think about it. Do something (non food-related) that engages and therefore distracts you as much as possible.

8. Keep silent. Seek support only from people with fasting experience. If you tell everyone that you are fasting, you're sure to receive discouraging comments such as people warning you that you will pass out at any moment and starve to death. As for myself, someone even satirized me of saving food money by fasting.

9. Keep fasting simple and natural. Stick to juice and/or water. Forget about supplements, vitamins, protein drinks, adding egg white powder or mineral salts to your water…and any other fancy little things to complement your shortage of food. If you do all these, you are not dedicated to fasting and I'm sure you'll quit pretty soon. Eat normal in between your fasting days.

10. One slightly longer fast per month. While 16-24 hour fasts are easy to do, try to include one slightly longer fast such as 30 hours once a month. For example my 30-hour fast looks like this: breakfast on day 1, dinner on day 2. That way I'm still eating everyday. However you can opt to do dinner on day 1 and breakfast on day 3. Do it when you feel comfortable and your schedule permits.

You may find lots of other fasting tips. Even real fasters may have different views. For instance, some even don't consider juice fasting as a real fast. After all, there isn't a single fasting bible that has been approved by all. Make your own sensible judgement as to follow fasting tips that sound sensible and work well for you.

I wish you best.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6 Lasting Myths About Healthy Fasting

When people come to the subject of healthy fasting, there’s a lot of misinformation and myths surrounding this topic and it can sometimes make it difficult to get to the heart of the matter. Here we’re going to take a look at six of the more long-standing myths that accompany the issue of fasting.

Fasting has been around since time immemorial, and many of the first references to it come from the Bible. They knew even back then the many and varied benefits one can derive from fasting, whether it is for short or longer periods of time. There are many examples from all religions that detail the benefits of fasting from a spiritual perspective, but there are also many other benefits to be realized from a health and wellness standpoint as well. First, let’s debunk some myths!
  1. Fasting is a religious activity. Not necessarily. Many devoted holistic health practitioners employ some form of fasting into their health regimen, whether it is for cleansing or for weight loss help.
  2. You can fast in many ways. Partially true, but the spirit of this gets us thinking in the wrong direction. The purpose of a fast isn’t to necessarily "fast from chocolate for a day", but to be part of a well-thought out health plan that emphasizes a total health solution. Many people decide to fast from whatever their latest obsession is, in the hopes that this will somehow help.
  3. Long-term fasting can rid the body of toxins. Not true. Healthy fasting does not need to be long. Long term fasting can deplete the body of many, many necessary and vital nutrients, and bring on a host of associated problems due to the body’s inability to fight off anything. There is a reason people die from long term fasts.
  4. Political fasting is a viable way to make a point. Doing a prolonged fast for a political cause is one of the worst ways to make a point. Short, one or two day fasts are sufficient, but probably don’t have the sensational aspect political believers seek.
  5. Fasting is only for medical purposes. Not true. While there are valid medical reasons when a fast is recommended, such as before surgery or blood tests, there are other useful benefits of healthy fasting.
  6. Fasting is way too hard. Again, not true! A one or two day fast can be accomplished with no problem by almost anyone.
Fasting can be a useful tool to aid in a total health plan. Done correctly there are virtually none of the popular “side effects” such as light-headedness or weakness. Make sure to not be derailed by fears and myths and you’ll find that healthy fasting can in fact be a great help!

Learn more about a healthy fasting plan.

Monday, February 27, 2012

3 Great Reasons Why You Should Do Intermittent Fasting

If you have not heard of intermittent fasting, you may not know why it can and should be a part of your workout and fat loss plan.

Intermittent fasting is the practice of abstaining from all but water for a period of usually 24 hours to help with the goals associated with fat loss and weight loss in general. The way in which it helps in this arena is by cutting out a full day’s caloric intake, while still being able to maintain a full workout schedule.

Let’s look at three main reasons I believe that intermittent fasting is a good idea for anyone serious about fat loss and muscle building!

The primary reason I’m fond of a workout plan that involves intermittent fasting is that it promotes maximum fat loss. Most people employ these types of fasts two days a week while working out, and this means they are effectively cutting out a full two days caloric intake from their weekly consumption. This combined with your workout can and does have a dramatic effect on the pace at which you lose excess fat. By working out while doing these fasts, you are attacking your goals with a two-edged sword, slashing it from both ends of the spectrum.

The second reason would be that this type of fasting allows you to maintain a moderate to intense workout load while still maintaining your energy and metabolism. Many people think that fasting drains both of these aspects, and while that is true for other, particularly longer fasts, for intermittent fasting the opposite has proven to be the case. You often have more energy and a higher metabolism while engaged in this type of fasting, making it the best of both worlds. Many other fasts are so debilitating that you are left at the end of the day so drained you are unable to do anything. Intermittent fasting is not like that at all.

The third reason why I believe intermittent fasting is a good practice to include in your workout plan is that it has beneficial aspects to it that are a little less easy to see, but of great benefit all the same. There is a cleansing of your system that takes place with any fast, as your body adjusts to less content being put into it. There are also undeniable psychological benefits, such as a very affirming sense of accomplishment that can help you in many areas of your life. Knowing that you are not a slave to food is a major part of that.

I’m a firm advocate of intermittent fasting as a way of enhancing your fat loss and workout routines. There is in my mind no faster way of getting maximum fat loss while still being able to handle a full workout load. Investigate it today. I think you might be surprised at the results you’ll come up with!

Click here for a recommended solid plan about intermittent fasting