Saturday, December 29, 2012

Eat Stop Eat – The Best Weight Loss Program

Eat Stop Eat – The Best Weight Loss Program 

Trying to find the best weight loss program can be quite difficult.  They all claim to be the most effective or promise the fastest results.  It can be very confusing having so many to choose from.  How do you know which one is the best? 

For one thing, you should remember that all weight loss diets will be effective initially.  But your main concern should be whether or not it is something you would be able to stick with long term.  There is nothing worse than working hard to get the weight off only to find that you really can’t maintain the lifestyle. 

In fact, one of the main reasons people fail at long term weight loss is because they followed a diet that really was only a quick fix.  This is why so many people are stuck in a never ending yo-yo diet situation.  

One very popular way to lose weight is with juice or soup fasting.  While this type of fasting is highly successful at producing weight loss, it cannot be sustained for long periods of time. Who can survive on lemons and cayenne pepper for the rest of their life? 

However, intermittent fasting, or IF, can be followed as long as you desire. It is not a diet, it is an eating style that is quickly gaining recognition among health gurus and fitness buffs alike. The beauty of intermittent fasting is that you can make your fast fit into your schedule rather than becoming a slave to it.  

Eat Stop Eat is an intermittent fasting style program that teaches you how to easily incorporate regular fasts into your life. It is firmly backed by science and is not a gimmick. It is a real program that gives excellent results when followed.  

With Eat Stop Eat, you only need to fast once or twice per week to see results. Of course you will still need to watch your total caloric intake, but it is less restrictive. For example, if you know you will be going to dinner with a friend on Friday night, you can reduce the amount of calories you eat throughout the week so that you can splurge a bit come Friday night.   

If you are the type of person who skips breakfast or lunch a few times a week, this may be perfect eating style for you. Even if you aren’t a frequent meal-skipper, you may still enjoy the flexibility intermittent fasting has to offer. Either way, Eat Stop Eat has something to fit anyone’s needs. 

NOTE:  I’m one among thousands of live examples who succeeded in building an intermittent fasting life style.  Read more about my fasting experience.

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